(I know, I know, my blog posts have not been very varied lately - too much Toni Morrison. I'll find a new writer to fixate on soon, I promise. In the meantime, here's a review of another one of her flawless books!) Beloved is set in post-Civil War Cincinnati, Ohio. More specifically, it takes place at the address 124, in a house haunted by the "spiteful" ghost of a baby girl who died a horrific death. The baby's mother, a former slave named Sethe, and her remaining family continue to live at 124 for years after the tragedy. This story explores the effects of the baby ghost and of the memory of slavery on the men and women who are connected to the house. This book is disturbing, desolate, tender, audacious, and gorgeous. Can I just give you a sample of the writing? I don't trust my words to do hers justice. And in all those escapes he could not...