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Best School Reading

     Seeing as I am re-reading Beloved and thus have no new books to review for you, and seeing as the school year is (wahh) about to start again, I thought I'd share a list of my favorite assigned books from this past school year, if only to give me hope for this year...

Why I hate school...
I mean really
1. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess - You already know.
2. Dispatches by Michael Herr - The Vietnam War veteran experience, as reported in stream-of-consciousness style by an Esquire magazine journalist.  
3. Paradise Lost by John Milton - Antiquated perception of women's role in society aside, the writing is beautiful and the characterization of enigmatic figures such as the Devil is daring.
4. The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien - The Vietnam War veteran experience, expressed in short story form.
5. The Secret Life of Pronouns by James W. Pennebaker - I can't recommend this book highly enough! You'll learn all kinds of crazy stuff about psychology, society, language, and the connections between the three.  
6. In the Land of Invented Languages by Arika Orent - This book inspired me to attempt to learn Esperanto, a "universal" language invented to bring about world peace.
7. Language Myths edited by Laurie Bauer and Peter Trudgill - Learn that no language is more logical than another, denizens of Appalachia do not speak Elizabethan English, women do NOT talk more than men, Black American children are not "verbally deprived," etc.
8. Going After Cacciato by Tim O’Brien - The Vietnam War veteran experience, expressed in novel form.  I studied the Vietnam War in three classes last year, does it show?
9. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote - Capote invented the non-fiction novel with this book, which explores the murder of a Kansas family.
10. The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare - So much guilt and angst.  Life's but a walking shadow, y'all.

     - Carly


  1. I hate you so much right now! Nah,just kidding, hate you just a little bit :D I have so many books in my "to read" list and everytime you share your favorite reads I have to add these too, sonce you have the best taste ever for bookies! You eeeviiil! :D

    1. Haha happy to add to your list :P you'll get to all your books someday!


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