Fevvers is the best thing about the story. She's described as a "giantess" - six feet tall, buff, and curvy, with huge wings - and her personality is as big as she is. She eats, drinks, talks, and farts a lot. She has a thick Cockney accent and a strong body odor. She is also a world-famous sex symbol. I love the way Fevvers challenges my understanding of what a beautiful woman is, and why a woman's beauty or femininity is considered her most valuable trait.
There are a million delicious characters in this story - an activist ex-prostitute, a Princess who trains tigers, and a chubby capitalist who wears a stars-and-stripes suit and consults a pig for advice, for example. There's also a panopticon-style prison for murderesses. I could go on but I won't. Read the book!
- Carly
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Thank you for talking to me!! I wish you lots of good books and brownies!